Agenda item

Applications for Discretionary Parking Permits

To consider appeals against the refusal of applications for the issue of discretionary parking permits.



The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report giving details of the background to the decisions to refuse applications for Discretionary Parking Permits from 18 applicants, who had subsequently appealed against these decisions.

Resolved –

(1)     That application 2 be deferred for officers from Transportation and Streetcare to have further discussions with officers from Brighter Futures for Children regarding which roles for healthcare professionals are to be included on the list of approved professions for a Healthcare Professional permit, and report back to Traffic Management Sub-Committee;

(2)     That with regard to application 3, a first Discretionary Residents Parking Permit, personal to the applicant, be issued;

(3)     That with regard to applications 4 and 14, they be deferred for further consideration on the possible impact of adding their professions to the list of approved professions to be allowed to be issued to Healthcare Professional, and report back to Traffic Management Sub-Committee;

(4)     That with regard to applications 7 and 8, a second Discretionary Resident Parking Permit, personal to the applicant, be issued, subject to adequate proofs being provided;

(5)     That with regard to applications 9 and 12, a first Discretionary Residents Parking Permit, personal to the applicant, be issued, subject to adequate proofs being provided;

(6)     That with regard to application 16, a third Discretionary Resident Parking Permit, personal to the applicant, be issued, subject to adequate proofs being provided;

(7)     That with regard to application 17, a second Discretionary Resident Permit be issued, personal to the applicant, subject to confirmation that the second Discretionary Resident Permit has expired; if it has not expired and has been renewed, a third Discretionary Resident Permit can be offered;

(8)     That application 18 be deferred until the next meeting in order for officers, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee, to investigate why the previous application for one book of discretionary visit permits was allowed. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee to decide the application following the completion of the investigation; 

 (9)    That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse applications 1, 5,6, 10, 11, 13 and 15be upheld.

(Exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2).