Agenda item

CIL locally funded scheme - Oxford Road Tiger Crossing: Results of statutory Notice

A report providing the Sub-Committee with feedback that has been received following statutory consultation regarding the proposed installation of a new tiger crossing on Oxford Road. The Sub-Committee is also asked to implement, remove or alter elements of the scheme as advertised.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on feedback that had been received following statutory consultation regarding the proposed installation of a new tiger crossing on Oxford Road.  - A copy of the drawing of the consulted crossing design was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and a letter dated 26 November 2020 from Thames Valley Police was attached to the report at Appendix 2.

The report advised that Officers had commissioned the undertaking of an independent road safety audit for this scheme, which had identified some potential concerns being raised regarding vehicular visibility to the proposed crossing. Officers had reviewed carefully the content of the safety audit and undertook detailed on-site evaluations. Officers concluded that the inter-visibility of and stopping sight distance between the eastbound drivers emanating from the northern Oxford Road and pedestrians/cyclists attempting to cross from the northern side of the Oxford Road should be established. It was also recognised that the roundabout could benefit from some minor adjustments. Appendix 1 showed the adjusted scheme design which was intended to visually reduce the carriageway width and better position vehicles across the roundabout.

Officers had served the Notice of Intention to install the crossing on Oxford Road, which had commenced a statutory consultation process in November 2020 with the local police (Thames Valley Police).  

Thames Valley Police had objected to the design of the crossing due to concerns relating to vehicular visibility to the proposed crossing and its close proximity to the roundabout. Concerns were also raised in respect of vehicle speeds.

In December 2020 a speed survey had been conducted on the northern circulatory of the roundabout and also at the proposed crossing location. The results had shown that the average vehicle speeds were 17.7 miles per hour and 21.8 miles per hour respectively. The results also suggested the achievable inter-visibility distance of 43 metres between the driver and the pedestrians waiting to use the crossing, which was compliant with the Department for Transport’s guidance, as recommended in the LTN 02/95, The Pedestrian Design Guide. 

Having considered the representations made, and in light of the results of the surveys that had been conducted and the on-site evaluations that had taken place, Officers were satisfied that was appropriate to proceed with implementing the scheme as advertised.

The Sub-Committee welcomed the proposal. In respect of Thames Valley Police’s concern about lighting potentially being compromised by an overhanging tree, it was suggested that this could be dealt with by arranging for the tree to be cut back and officers agreed to make arrangements for this to be done. 


Resolved -

(1)   That the report be noted;

(2)   That the CIL locally funded scheme for a new tiger crossing on Oxford Road, to the east of the roundabout with Overdown Road, be implemented;

(3)   That no public inquiry be held into the proposal.

(4)   That arrangements be made for the cutting back of any tree branches potentially causing visibility/lighting obstructions


Supporting documents: