Maria Grindley and Adrian Balmer, EY, presented the
Provisional Audit Plan summarising the initial assessment of the
key risks driving the development of an effective audit for the
Council and outlining EY’s planned audit strategy in response
to those risks. The planning procedures
were ongoing and the Audit & Governance Committee would be
updated, if there were any significant changes or revisions at its
next meeting. The Committee received an
assessment of the audit risks and key areas of focus for the
external auditors, which included:
Risk of fraud in revenue and expenditure recognition
– incorrect capitalisation of revenue
Qualified Accounts 2017/18 – Corporate Support
Services, income; Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services,
income and expenditure; Short-term Creditors; IAS19 pension
liability, employer costs and actuarial adjustments;
IAS 19 Assurance Process, Pension liabilities and
other related amounts;
Valuations of Property, Plant and Equipment and
Investment Property, PFI Long-Term Liabilities and Deferred
IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 implementation - IFRS9 (Financial
Instruments) and IFRS15 (Revenue from Contracts) had come into
effect for Local Authority Accounts in 2018/19. At the time of the
2017/18 final audit work, the Authority had not conducted any
preliminary work to position itself for either standard and the
impact was therefore unclear. A detailed impact assessment would
therefore be needed for both new standards;
Group accounts: differences in accounting policies
of the components - all the subsidiaries follow FRS102 for their
accounts preparation, while the Council’s group accounts
follow the CIPFA Code, supported by IFRS, which created a higher
inherent risk that the consolidated figures might not be harmonised
to comply with the Group accounting policies;
Going concern disclosures - the unpredictability of
the current environment had given rise to a risk that the Council
would not appropriately disclose the key factors relating to going
concern, underpinned by management’s assessment with
particular reference to Covid-19 and the Council’s actual
year-end financial position and performance.
Resolved: That
the Provisional Audit Plan
summarising the initial assessment of the key
risks, be noted and further
reports be presented to the Committee as necessary.