Proposal |
To convert the existing building from commercial office use to residential comprising 2 x 2 bed apartments and 3 x 1 bed apartments and to provide a rear pedestrian access from Simmonds Street via the rear garden of the property. |
Recommendation |
Permitted subject to Legal Agreement |
200656 - To convert the existing building from commercial office use to residential comprising 2 x 2 bed apartments and 3 x 1 bed apartments and to provide a rear pedestrian access from Simmonds Street via the rear garden of the property.
200657 - Listed Building Consent for the proposal above
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above applications. An update report was tabled at the meeting which provided additional information on window materials and corrected a typographical error in the original report.
Comments were received and considered.
It was proposed at the meeting that the condition relating to archaeological work be amended to require a detailed assessment of the boundary wall and the retention of salvaged bricks and material from the wall to allow further investigation on their origin. The Committee were also advised that the grant of planning permission would be subject to the pre-commencement conditions having been agreed by the applicant as required by regulations.
Resolved –
(1) That the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services be authorised to grant full planning permission for application 200656/FUL, subject to completion of a section 106 legal agreement by 10 April 2021 (unless a later date be agreed by the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services) to secure the Heads of Terms set out in the original report, and subject to agreement of the recommended pre-commencement conditions;
(2) That, in the event of the requirements set out not being met, the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services be authorised to refuse permission;
(3) That planning permission be subject to the conditions and informatives recommended in the original report, with the amended archaeological work condition as proposed at the meeting;
(4) That Listed Building Consent for application 200657/LBC be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the original report.
Supporting documents: