This report asks the Policy Committee, in its capacity as the sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited, to make decisions regarding the ongoing Company Executive Leadership Team and Board.
Further to Minute 53 of the meeting held on 28 September 2020, the Executive Director of Resources submitted a report asking the Committee, in its capacity as the sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC/the company), to make decisions regarding the ongoing company Executive Leadership Team and Board membership.
The report noted that at its meeting on 28 September 2020 the Committee had approved the appointment of BFfC’s Interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources to the Company Board until 31 March 2021, following the departure of the Managing Director, and to fulfil the requirement for at least one Executive Director on the Board in addition to the Executive Director of Children’s Services. The Company had subsequently considered the future Executive Leadership Team and decided to operate without a Managing Director role in future and continue with the current leadership arrangements with an amended role for the Executive Chair. The Committee were asked to endorse the ongoing amended role of the Chair and to extend the appointment of the Interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources to the Company Board until 31 December 2021. The Company’s Articles specified that Executive Directors (other than the Executive Director of Children’s Services) must be employees of the Company, and it was therefore necessary to also extend the waiver to the Articles until 31 December 2021 as the Interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources was not an employee of the Company but was employed on a contract for services.
The report also proposed that the three current Non-Executive Directors be re-appointed for a second term of three years. It was planned to recruit a further Non-Executive Director to provide additional breadth of skills and support succession planning for the Board.
Resolved –
(1) That the continuation of the amended role of the Executive Chair be endorsed;
(2) That the appointment of the interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources as a Company Director be extended until 31 December 2021;
(3) That the waiver of the requirement in the Articles for the interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources to be an employee of the Company be extended until 31 December 2021;
(4) That Tony Byrne, Nicola Gilham and Paul Snell be reappointed as Non-Executive Directors of Brighter Futures for Children for a second term of office (three years) from 15 November 2021 until 14 November 2024;
(5) That the recruitment of a further Non-Executive Director to provide additional breadth of skills and support succession planning for the Board be endorsed.
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