Agenda item

Brighter Futures for Children 2021/2022 Business Plan

This report sets out the Business Plan submitted by Brighter Futures for Children in response to its obligation to agree an annual Business Plan and contract sum.


The Executive Director of Resources submitted a report to the Committee, in its capacity of sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC), setting out for approval BFfC’s annual Business Plan and contract sum.  The report summarised the key points arising from the Business Plan, which was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The report stated that the Council had made provision for a contract sum in 2021/22 of £47,436,300, which was a reduction of £985k from the 2020/21 figure. This included £6.76m for leases and services provided by the Council via Support Service Level Agreements.  Investment was being made for provision of additional SEND places, with £4m allocated in the capital programme for 2021/22, which would support savings through fewer placements being made outside the borough.  Workforce planning remained a key part of BFfC service improvement and it remained a priority to reduce usage of agency social workers.  The Business Plan incorporated a revised Transformation Programme, and provision had been made within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for £1.5m of transformation funding.


The report noted that the BFfC Business Plan continued to build on the improvement journey to date, which was demonstrated through a revised Ofsted rating across all areas improving from Inadequate to Requires Improvement to Good in September 2019 and services coming out of intervention in February 2021.


Resolved -


(1)      That Committee, in its capacity as sole member for BFfC, agree the Company’s Business Plan and contract sum for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix 1 and the report, and note and agree the provision for transformation funding as set out in the report;


(2)      That the Assistant Director of Procurement & Contracts and the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services be authorised to review the financial reporting arrangements of BFfC to Policy Committee in its capacity as sole member and report back to the Committee on changes that could be made to assist and improve oversight of the Company’s financial performance.


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