Agenda item

Strategic Risk Register Quarter 4 2020/2021

This report provides an update on the Council’s Strategic Risk Register, in line with the requirements of the Council’s risk management strategy.


Paul Harrington, Chief Auditor, submitted a schedule updating the Committee on the Q4 status of the Council’s 2020/21 Strategic Risk Register (SRR), in line with the requirements of the Council’s Risk Management Strategy.  The SRR was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that the SRR had been developed to provide a focused and high level overview of strategic risks for staff, councillors and other stakeholders, and was supplemented by more detailed directorate, service and project risk registers.  The primary aim of the SRR was to identify those key vulnerabilities that needed to be closely monitored.  In many cases this would be because the risk was relatively new and, whilst being effectively managed, the associated control framework was yet to be fully defined and embedded. 

The SRR highlighted fourteen risks, only one of which ‘Cyber-attack resulting in service disruption, data loss or damage, financial loss and/or reputational damage’ was currently rated as ‘red’.


Resolved:     That the Council’s Strategic Risk Register, as at March 2021, be noted.

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