This report outlines the actions in progress to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for better Information Governance.
Mike Graham, Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services, submitted a report outlining the actions in progress to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for improving Information Governance. The report referred to the Committee receiving several limited assurance reports in this area and identified that work was needed to address the underlying issues with: Freedom of Information; Data Transparency; and Records Management. The report detailed the work of the Information Governance Board, which was responsible for implementing and overseeing an Information Management Strategy. The Board had reviewed the Council’s approach to information management in the context of business continuity seeking to draw lessons learned from the pandemic and had overseen a planned phishing exercise to test the ability of staff and councillors to spot possible cyber-attacks.
The Committee noted that take-up of the Cyber Security training, which was currently available for all staff and councillors through a Learning Pool e-learning package, had improved since the last meeting, especially among Councillors. The Committee endorsed the further work planned to increase the number of councillors and staff completing the training.
Resolved: That the progress being made to improve the Council’s Information Governance be endorsed and that the completion of the Cyber Security training be made a mandatory requirement for staff and councillors.
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