Agenda item

Penalty Charge Notices Audit Report


Paul Harrington, Chief Auditor, submitted a reportproviding an update on key findings emanating from an Internal Audit report on Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).  The audit had found that the Council had upgraded its PCNNotice processingsystem in2018.  The new systemhad thepotential toimprove therecording andmonitoring of thestatutory process forthe issuingand recovery ofPCNs, but at the time of the audit had yetto befully utilised.  However, once implementedthe new functionalitywould assist thereduction ofdebt andthe potentialwrite offbad debt. Theuse ofsystem exceptionreports wouldprovide assuranceon the integrityof thosePCNs whichhad eitherbeen cancelledor writtenoff aspart of the statutory process.  The audit had identified that reconciliation procedures needed to be established to ensure the traffic management system and Oracle Fusion were balanced to provide accurate budget reporting.  Oracle Fusion only recorded PCN receipts and it was important to confirm the accounting and reporting requirements for debt and thosebalances to be written off.

Resolved:     That the audit findings in relation to Penalty Charge Notices be noted, and the recommendations set out in the full audit report be endorsed.

(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3)