Agenda item

201585/FUL & 201586/ADV - 109a Oxford Road

Application Number



Change of use from an estate agent use class E to a restaurant and hot food takeaway sui generis use class 


Application Permitted


Application Number




Fascia and a projecting sign.


Application Permitted




201585/FUL - Change of use from an estate agent use class E to a restaurant and hot food takeaway sui generis use class. 

201586/ADV - Fascia and a projecting sign.

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above applications.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which gave details of a further letter of objection from the Conservation Area Advisory Committee and officer comments.  The update report had appended the letter of objection.

Comments and objections were received and considered.

Resolved –

That consideration of applications 201585/FUL and 201586/ADV be deferred:

·       to allow the applicant to provide further information, including the noise assessment;

·       to allow further discussion with the owners of the property to explore what steps could be taken to achieve the public realm improvements expected when the 2014 permission had been granted;

·       to allow officers to provide more information on what protection was offered in the Local Plan regarding loss of (the old use classes) A1 & A2 and proliferation of takeaways in this area of the Oxford Road and to report on general terms on the provisions within the Local Plan to similarly protect all shopping areas in the Borough;

·       in order for more information to be provided on permitted development rights for restaurants and pubs changing use to takeaways.

(Councillor Rowland declared a prejudicial interest in the above application on the grounds of predetermination.  Nature of interest: Councillor Rowland lived on Zinzan Street, which joined Oxford Road at the property.  She took no part in the debate or decision.)

Supporting documents: