The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report to the Committee, acting as shareholder of Reading Transport Limited (RTL), setting out the conclusions and recommendations arising from an independent report on RTL’s operating arrangements. The following documents were attached to the report:
· Appendix 1 - Proposed KPI Reporting
· Appendix 2 - Reading Transport Limited’s 2021/22 Budget
· Appendix 3 - Route Changes Assumed within RTL’s 2021/22 Budget
The report explained that, in light of RTL’s recent trading history and the significant financial impact of Covid 19 on all passenger transport operators, it had been agreed that the Council should commission an independent review into the governance (see Minute xx above) and operating arrangements of the Company with a view to improving its financial viability. Systra, a leading engineering and consulting firm specialising in public transport had been commissioned in September 2020 to undertake the review, and the report summarised their key findings and recommendations relating to operating arrangements. It was recommended that the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services draw up a Shareholder Agreement to set out the operational reporting requirements recommended by Systra for consideration at a subsequent meeting of the Committee.
At the invitation of the Chair Robert Williams, CEO of RTL, attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this item.
Resolved –
(1) That Systra’s conclusions and recommendations in respect of their review of operating arrangements commissioned by the Council be noted;
(2) That RTL’s financial position as at 6th April 2020 and budget assumptions for 2021/2022 be noted;
(3) That the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services prepare a draft Shareholder Agreement to give effect to the operational recommendations in Systra’s report for consideration at a future Policy Committee.
(Councillor Stanford-Beale declared a prejudicial interest in the above item, on the grounds that she was a Council-appointed Non-Executive Director of RTL. She left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.)
(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3.)