Agenda item

Implementation of the Finance Improvement Programme – Progress Update

This report provides an update on progress of the Programme workstreams and their deliverables against the Plan since the last meeting.


Chris Tidswell, CIPFA, presented a report providing an update on progress of the Finance Improvement Programme (FIP) against the plan for each workstream and their deliverables.  The report explained that the FIP had two key phases:  Phase I was responding to the historic and current issues identified to ensure a sound foundation and ‘getting the basics’ right.  The second phase would concentrate on embedding Phase I delivery and developing the financial management culture and governance framework across the Council.  The report stated that progress against the Phase I plan since the last Committee had been good with a number of deliverables being achieved and the following Phase 1 workstreams almost reaching completion: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Chart of Accounts. 

Phase II of the transformation programme was expected to commence at the end of August and would be aligned to the implementation of the new finance system. The financial system had been procured and implementation was due to start in August.  The delivery date for completion of the workstream was 1 April 2022, which would coincide with the ‘go live’ date.

The audit tracker recommendations (see Minute 8 below) continued to be included within individual workstream deliverables where appropriate and were managed as part of the overall Plan. There were 34 (previously 43) recommendations within the tracker covered by the Finance Improvement Programme, none of which were now ‘Red’ rated.  The Finance Transformation Board continued to oversee the Programme and monitor and challenge delivery timelines where appropriate.

Resolved:     That the progress being made to implement the Finance Improvement Programme be noted.

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