Agenda item

Customer Experience Programme Annual Update

This report updates the Committee on the successes achieved in year 1 of the Council’s Customer Experience Strategy, and the lessons learned and plans for year 2.



The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report updating the Committee on the successes achieved in year 1 of the Council’s Customer Experience Strategy, lessons learned and plans for year 2.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1  - Service Reviews outputs

·       Appendix 2 – Data Dashboard


The report noted that the Council’s Customer Experience Strategy (2020-2024) had been adopted in January 2020 (Minute 67 of the meeting held on 29 January 2020 refers) and set out a vision to achieve the best possible experience for the Council’s customers.  Ultimately, the Strategy would facilitate a culture and channel shift, by providing a 24/7 online service, designed around the customer, where customers could connect with the Council as and when it suited them. The majority of queries that could not be resolved online would be answered at first point of contact by a central Customer Fulfilment team. 


The report explained that the strategy included a high-level roadmap of transformation over four years and was proposed to be delivered in one-year phases of activity.  In Year 1, despite members of the delivery team being re-deployed to work on the Council’s response to Covid-19 for part of the year, the Programme had made significant progress on discovery and foundational work.  The report gave an overview of the achievements to date, covering areas including Service Reviews, Data and Insight and Building Digital Foundations. It also summarised the initiatives not progressed, and lessons learned, and set out the outputs, outcomes, benefits and impact of work planned for Year 2 which covered areas including Service Reviews and Delivery of Process and Digital Improvements.


Resolved –


          That the progress made in year 1 of the Customer Experience Programme, and the work to be progressed in year 2, be noted.


Supporting documents: