a. Objections to Advertised Traffic Regulation Order (Harrow Court, East Reading, The Willows/St Stephens Close)
b. Proposals for Statutory Consultation (Lower Caversham)
A report informing the Sub-Committee of feedback received during statutory consultation for the agreed proposals that formed the Harrow Court, East Reading area and The Willows/St Stephens Close area Resident Permit Parking (RPP) schemes.
Further to Minute 17 of the meeting held on 12 September 2018, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report informing the Sub-Committee of feedback received during statutory consultation for proposed Resident Permit Parking (RPP) schemes for Harrow Court, East Reading area and The Willows/St Stephens Close area. The report also set out proposals for the Lower Caversham area RPP scheme which had been developed following informal consultation.
Harrow Court
Appendix 1 of the report set out the responses received in relation to the advertised Traffic regulation order (TRO) for the Harrow Court RPP scheme proposals, and a Drawing to show the advertised scheme proposal.
East Reading area
Appendix 2 of the report set out:
a) Responses received in relation to the advertised TRO for the East Reading area, Part 1 proposals
b) Responses received in relation to the advertised TRO for the East Reading area, Part 2 proposals
c) General responses received in relation to the advertised TRO for the East Reading area RPP scheme proposals
d) drawings to show the advertised East Reading area RPP scheme proposals.
An update report was tabled at the meeting which explained that, following a review of the responses that had been received in relation to the East Reading area scheme, it was recommended to replace the proposed Residents Parking only bay in Whiteknights Road with a double yellow lines restriction, and to remove the proposed restrictions in Wokingham Road from the scheme. The revisions had been considered necessary due to the volume and content of objections to these specific proposals.
Councillor McGonigle moved an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Jones and carried, which proposed that: the East Reading Area Part 1 scheme be implemented as soon as possible; a report on the impact of the Area Part 1 scheme be submitted to the November 2019 meeting of the Sub-Committee, and a decision on whether to implement the Part 2 scheme be made following consideration of the report.
Bernadette Cowling, representing Earley Christian Fellowship, attended the meeting and addressed the Sub-Committee on the proposed restrictions in Wokingham Road.
The Willows and St Stephens Close
Appendix 3 of the report set out responses received in relation to the advertised Traffic regulation order for the The Willows & St Stephens Road area RPP scheme proposals and a drawing to show the advertised scheme proposal.
Proposed Lower Caversham area scheme
The report explained that officers and Ward Councillors had considered feedback received during the concept scheme design informal consultation stage and had developed a revised proposal. Appendix 4 of the report set out revised scheme drawings and it was recommended that the scheme be progressed to statutory consultation.
Resolved -
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That the marked bay restriction (shared-use) on Whiteknights Road be removed from the resultant Traffic Regulation Order and that officers conduct a statutory consultation on the implementation of double yellow lines in place of this proposed bay;
(3) That the proposed restrictions for Wokingham Road be removed from the resultant Traffic Regulation Order and that revised proposals be recommended for statutory consultation at a future meeting;
(4) That the proposed restrictions associated with the Harrow Court, East Reading and The Willows & St Stephens Close resident permit parking schemes, with the exception of those referred to in (2) and (3) above, be approved as advertised;
(5) That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to seal the resultant Traffic Regulation Orders, and no public inquiry be held into the proposals;
(6) That, should funding permit, Officers develop the proposals for implementation;
(7) That the East Reading Area Part 1 scheme be implemented as soon as possible;
(8) That a report on the impact of the East Reading Area Part 1 scheme be submitted to the November 2019 meeting of the Sub-Committee, and that following consideration of the report a decision be made on whether to implement the East Reading Area Part 2 scheme;
(9) That respondents to the statutory consultation be informed of the decision accordingly;
(10) That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to carry out the statutory consultation and advertise the proposals for a Lower Caversham residents permit parking scheme as set out in Appendix 4, and for the proposed implementation of a double yellow lines restriction in place of the proposed bay on Whiteknights Road (see (2) above), in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
(11) That subject to no objections being received, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order;
(12) That any objections received during the statutory consultation be reported to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee;
(13) That the Head of Transportation and Streetcare, in consultation with the appropriate Lead Councillor be authorised to make minor changes to the proposals;
(14) That no public enquiry be held into the proposals.
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