Agenda item

Applications for Discretionary Parking Permits

To consider appeals against the refusal of applications for the issue of discretionary parking permits.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report giving details of the background to the decisions to refuse applications for Discretionary Parking Permits from twenty-seven applicants, who had subsequently appealed against these decisions.

Resolved –

(1)     That applications 1 and 2 be deferred for Officers to consult with Park Ward Councillors about possible extension of the Residents Permits Scheme Zone and for a report to be brought back to the next Sub-Committee meeting to review the permit data and capacity of the zone;

(2)       That, with regard to application 6, a third discretionary permit be issued, personal to the applicant and charged at the third permit fee subject to the applicant submitting the required proofs;

(3)     That, with regard to application 7, discretionary visitor books be issued, subject to the standard scheme limits for the number of books that can be issued each year;

(4)     That, with regard to applications 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 26 a first discretionary permit be issued, personal to the applicants and charged at the first permit fee subject to the applicants submitting all the required proofs;

(5)     That with regard to application 23 the applicant be informed that that they would be able to apply for a permit at the first permit fee when confirmation was received that the previous tenants had left the property;

(6)     That, with regard to application 24 a second discretionary permit be issued, personal to the applicants and charged at the second permit fee subject to the applicants submitting all the required proofs;

(7)     That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse application 17 be upheld and the applicant be provided with advice on the processes to check potential blue badge eligibility for the family member;

(9)     That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse application 20 be upheld and the applicant informed that they would be able to apply for a permit at the first permit fee when the first permit holder had moved as permits were issued to properties on a first-come basis;

(10)    That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse applications 4, 5, 13, 18, 21 and 27 be upheld;

(11)    That with regard to application 18 permits and visitor permits be granted for Zone 02R;

(12)    That permit staff be authorised to apply discretion to offer one discretionary permit and a a standard allocation of visitor permits to odd numbered properties on Westfield Road, subject to any permits offered being issued to residents for Zone 02R instead of 01R.


(Exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2).