Agenda item

Award of Contract - Accommodation with Support for Young People YMCA Reading

This report seeks approval to award a contract for the provision of Accommodation with Support for Young People to YMCA Reading.


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking approval to award a contract to YMCA Reading for the provision of accommodation with support to young people.


The report noted that the Council currently commissioned YMCA Reading to provide 40 units of accommodation to young people aged 16 – 25. This included specific vulnerable groups including unaccompanied asylum seekers (UASC), homeless 16/17-year olds, Children Looked After (CLA) and those leaving care.  Four units were dedicated to supporting young mothers and their babies. The current contract expired on 30 September 2021.


The report explained that, as part of a new joint commissioning exercise, the Council and Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) had undertaken a full needs analysis of the accommodation and support needs of those aged 16 – 25.  This excluded those who required semi-independent living arrangements that were independently commissioned by BFfC.  A review of the service provided by the incumbent provider, YMCA Reading had also been undertaken.  Due to limited options for alternative accommodation provision the Council had undertaken without prejudice scoping and negotiations with YMCA Reading and subsequently a Contract Procedure Rules waiver had been approved to enter into a direct contract award with YMCA Reading.  A three-year initial contract period was proposed, with an extension period of up to 24 months.


Resolved –


          That a contract award to YMCA Reading for the provision of Accommodation with Support for Young People for a period of three years, with the option to extend up to a maximum of 24 months, in accordance with the approved CPR waiver, be approved.

Supporting documents: