Agenda item

Information Governance Quarterly Update

This report outlines the actions in progress to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for better Information Governance.


Michael Graham, Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services, submitted a report outlining the action underway to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for Information Governance following several limited assurance reports in this area. 

The report provided an update on: recruitment to key posts in the Information Governance Team and the interim arrangements in place to cover the backlog of Subject Access Requests; the Central Management of FOI requests through the Customer Relations Team; data transparency; the work of the Information Governance (IG) Board; the development of the Information Management Strategy, which would be informed by the technical review which had been undertaken by Leicester City Council and had produced draft recommendations for the Council to consider prior to the Strategy being approved by Policy Committee; and training being undertaken by staff and councillors on Cyber security and Information Governance.  It was noted that Cyber Security was a key strategic ‘red’ risk for the authority yet only 49% of staff had completed the mandatory training.  The Committee requested further detailed information to be included in the next report to demonstrate progress in ensuring all staff and councillors had completed the training and to uncover if there were any pockets of resistance to complying with this mandatory requirement.


(1)       That the progress being made to improve the Council’s Information Governance be noted;


(2)    That compliance with the mandatory requirement to complete the Cyber Security training, especially as it was a key strategic ‘red’ risk for the authority, be kept under review and progress be reported back to the Committee.

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