A report informing the Sub-Committee of road safety improvements to be implemented at the roundabout where Vastern Road (IDR) meets Bridge Street (Reading Bridge) and Napier Road.
The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report informing the Sub-Committee of proposed road safety improvements at the roundabout where Vastern Road (IDR) met Bridge Street (Reading Bridge) and Napier Road. A drawing showing the existing and proposed layout of the roundabout was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report explained that the Vastern Road roundabout was a five road, multi-lane entry/exit junction which resulted in it being less clear to users how to approach it. Consequently, certain movements could result in lane changes within the roundabout leading to accidents. The casualty statistics for the junction had shown a steady increase over the previous few years with a growing number of cyclists being injured. Over the three year period 2015 to 2017 there had been 26 casualties recorded at the roundabout, 18 of this total had been cyclists, with two main cluster areas around the northwest side (Vastern Road West) and east side (Napier Road).
The report explained that it had been the wish to re-line the roundabout for some time as a road safety improvement, but that this had proved challenging due to the number of lanes and entry/exits into the roundabout. The proposed improvements consisted of re-lining to clarify lane destinations and removing the need for lane changes within the roundabout. The expectation was that this alteration would reduce all collisions but specifically motor vehicle/pedal cycle collisions and the resultant casualties. Users would have to change established habits to adjust to the new layout and ensure they were in the correct lane before entering the roundabout. This would require further information on Forbury Road and Vastern Road (under the railway) prior to the roundabout to ensure that users were in the correct lane.
The report referred to a suggestion, also referred to in the presentation (Minute 32 above refers), that continental style give way markings be used on the Vastern Road west side entry to the roundabout. This was currently a non-prescribed road marking but early indications were that the Department of Transport (DfT) would allow a trial within Reading specifically aimed at improving safety for cyclists. The Committee supported further discussions with the DfT on using these markings.
Resolved -
(1) That the report and proposed road safety improvements to the roundabout be noted;
(2) That officers discuss the possible use of alternative give way markings at the roundabout with the Department for Transport, and report back to the Sub-Committee on the outcome.
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