Agenda item

SEND Strategy - Progress Report

A report providing the Committee with an update regarding the SEND Strategy.


The Executive Director of Children’s Services – Education, Early Help and Social Care, Brighter Futures for Children, submitted a report providing a brief update on the SEND Strategy and presenting a copy of the letter from Ofsted following a recent inspection.  A copy of the SEND Strategy was attached to the report at Appendix 1, a copy of the Inspection Letter from Ofsted was attached at Appendix 2 and a copy of the Reading Area SEND Inspection Presentation was attached to the report at Appendix 3.

The report explained that there had been considerable work carried out on developing the next version of the SEND Strategy which now needed to be finalised and agreed for 2022-2027.  The recommendations of the local area inspection that had taken place in June 2021 had been included in the updated Strategy.  Two more strands had been added to the five existing ones in response to the inspection so there were now seven focused areas of work in the next version of the strategy, as follows:

·         Strand 1: Improving communication;

·         Strand 2: Early Intervention through to specialist provision;

·         Strand 3: Consistent approaches to emotional wellbeing;

·         Strand 4: Preparing for adulthood;

·         Strand 5: Support for families/short breaks;

·         Strand 6: Capital and school places;

·         Strand 7: Revenue and funding.

The joint local area inspection of SEND had been conducted by Ofsted and the CQC in June 2021 and had concluded that arrangements were sufficiently robust and effective so that no actions of written statement were required.  There had been a very positive response to the inspection outcome and findings from stakeholders and whilst being confident about what had been achieved BFfC were continuing to focus on key areas that needed to be strengthened.  The actions had been outlined under the strands and would be overseen through the SEND Strategy Group.

In response to a question about problems getting children and young people seen by CAMHS Deborah Glassbrook, Executive Director of Children’s Services – Education, Early Help and Social Care, Brighter Futures for Children, told the Committee that the local area were very mindful of the fact that it was important for children and young people to be assessed as soon as possible and this had been identified as an issue with the CCG who had been allocated over £1m to help in this area.

Resolved –    That the report be noted.

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