Agenda item


This report provides the first annual update report on the adoption of the Social Value Policy within the Council and progress on delivering measurable Social Value outcomes.


Further to Minute 68 of the meeting held on 14 December 2020, the Deputy Chief Executive submitted the first annual report on the adoption of the Social Value Policy within the Council and the progress on delivering measurable Social Value outcomes.  Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a summary of the social value obtained in six major contracts and at Appendix 2 a summary of the previously agreed Social Value Priority Focus for Reading.


The report noted that the Council wanted to ensure best value from all its procurement and contracts, including the attainment of social value which supported the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and added value to Reading residents.  The Council had therefore adopted a Social Value Policy to provide a framework for commissioners and contract managers across the Council setting out how to derive social value from procurement and contract management activity, as well as provide clarity for suppliers on how it would be measured.  The report outlined how it was intended to measure and monitor social value that was obtained to ensure that the desired outcomes were being delivered, and the level of achievement to date.


The report noted that it had previously been proposed to carry out an annual review of the Council’s Social Value Priorities, in order to ensure that they remained relevant and appropriate to the Reading community.  In the context of the current Corporate Plan priorities and the focus upon Covid recovery it was proposed that the existing priorities, as set out at Appendix 2, be retained for the coming year.


Resolved –


(1)      That the progress made to date on the implementation of the Social Value Policy, including the amount and type of social value obtained to date through procurement and contracts, be noted;


(2)      That the existing Social Value priorities as set out in Appendix 2 of the report be retained.

Supporting documents: