A report outlining the new planned reforms for Adult Social Care in England, initially set out by the Government White Paper in December 2021; People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform.
The Executive Director of Social Care and Health submitted a report providing an overview of the new planned reforms for Adult Social Care in England, initially set out by the Government White Paper in December 2021, “People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform”.
It was explained that the White Paper formed part of a suite of reforms concerning health and social care, outlined in 2021. It was noted that some guidance was not yet available. There were three main objectives:
The Executive Director noted that she was proud of staff working hard to keep people at home and out of statutory services when possible. The Adult Social Care Performance report would provide further data on this issue at the next ACE Committee meeting.
Reading continued to deliver services against the Care Act 2014 principles including Extra Care provision, technology-enabled care, occupational therapy teams supporting and maximising independence, and direct payments, which would continue through the transformation agenda.
There was concern across local authorities regarding the amount of contributions required by them for care and full details of the requirements had not yet been released. It was noted that this could be a significant cost for authorities and there was concern regarding the amount of income that would be received.
The fair cost of care element ensured decent wages for carers; it was noted that Reading paid the foundation living wage and grant funding was being secured to support costs.
It was expected that an additional paper on health and social care integration would follow the White Paper. However, at this stage there was no indication of when this would be issued.
Resolved – That the report be noted.
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