A presentation providing an update on the hoarding pilot project undertaken by the safeguarding team.
The Executive Director of Social Care and Health, the Assistant Director for Safeguarding, Quality, Performance & Practice, the Lead Project Officer and the Principal Occupational Therapist provided a presentation on the Hoarding and Self Neglect project being undertaken by the team.
A link to a video on a personal story of hoarding was shared with the Committee: Keith's story: a personal and touching film about hoarding - YouTube.
Since March 2020 a hospital discharge grant had been used to help clear homes and repairs for people before going home from hospital. The Committee were provided with information on hoarding, and the challenges with engaging individuals with hoarding issues.
Aims of the project were to support people with hoarding, self-neglect and longer-term needs, multi-agency working and providing training and support to agencies. Work undertaken included a successful grant application, appointment of a lead project worker, specialist training, reviewing existing services and the drafting of a hoarding and self-neglect protocol. Intended outcomes were to increase access to services, prevention, enabling healthy communities, linking support and supporting greater independence and well-being for individuals.
Resolved – That the presentation be noted and the officers be thanked for the presentation and their work on the project.