The Committee will receive an update from Alison Foster, Programme Director, Building Berkshire Together on the redevelopment of the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
The Committee received a verbal update from Alison Foster, Programme Director, Building Berkshire Together on the progress of the plans to redevelop the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
Alison explained that the programme for the redevelopment of the Royal Berkshire Hospital had begun in 2019. This was a three-step process to access resources for a new hospital from the HM Treasury and a strategic case for change had been submitted in 2020. This provided three preferred options, two to develop on the current site and one for off site development. Following this an outline business case for the options appraisal process and then a full business case for the procurement and contracting of the build would be submitted. The construction stage was expected to being during 2025 to 2030. However, costs for the current cohort were escalating and other cohorts had been paused so a review of costs could be undertaken during 2022. Consideration was being given to the impact of changes of working since the pandemic particularly around digitalisation. Also, a Green Plan had been developed for a zero net carbon impact by 2040 or earlier. It was noted that it was unlikely that the top-level investment requested would be provided and the review would consider efficiencies and alternative options for development.
It was reported that the estimated costs of the two options to redevelop the hospital onsite were £750 to £950m. Following a desktop exercise, the cost of the offsite development was estimated to be least £1.2bln. The pressures on funding would mean that the programme would consider a new wing at the current site. There were currently considerable issues onsite such as the pressures on the acute areas such as accident and emergency and a backlog of maintenance costs of £200m.
Recruitment for the Building Berkshire Together programme had taken place in July 2021 and work on the project with the local community would be undertaken over the next 5 years. A range of engagement events were taking place in person and online to help develop a model for co-production. The current funding bid to the Treasury had been submitted in May 2021 and a decision was expected during the Summer 2022.
It was suggested that people across councils and communities could come together to support and lobby the government for funding. It was noted that if the lower range of the preferred option for funding was provided this would meet and address issues onsite but less funding would impact services.
In response to a question regarding the offsite development outside Reading it was confirmed that three site options had been considered as a desktop exercise and transport links were considered as part of this exercise. However, clarity of the higher funding would be required before going ahead with this option and current services would need to be maintained.
Resolved – That Alison be thanked for her presentation.
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