Director of Adult Social Care and Health Services presented a
report providing an overview of performance of Adult Social Care in
Reading for 2020-21 against similar councils and an action plan to
address two key areas of development.
The Assistant Director for
Safeguarding, Quality, Performance and Practice, Jo Lappin provided
a presentation on the report. The key
areas were based on performance against the national Adult Social
Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) and measured against the Corporate
Plan, services plans and directorate plans. It was noted that the objective was to support
people in their own homes with help they need to retain
The following main points were
- It
had been an unusual year during the pandemic and some plans had
been changed in response to priorities.
- There had been an
increase in the number of people who received
reablement/rehabilitation services.
- There had been an
increase in Safeguarding concern referrals from partner
- An
increase in support for carers.
- 78% of people had
been given support and signposted to other help in the community
via the Advice and Wellbeing hub.
- Adult Social Care
was measured nationally against short and long-term services. Also,
via an annual Adult Social Care survey, Safeguarding Adults, Carers
survey and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), which was a
specific statutory responsibility.
- ASCOF measured
four key areas: Enhancing quality of life for people with care and
support needs; delaying and reducing the need for care and support;
ensuring that people have a positive experience of care and
support; safeguarding adults whose circumstances made them
vulnerable and protecting them from avoidable
- An
area of focus was to only use residential or nursing homes when
essential and to support people at home. This area was specifically
focussed on younger people.
- There had been an
increase in Direct Payments and this continued to be an area of
The Committee thanked officers,
carers, and front-line staff in Adult Social Care in supporting
vulnerable adults in Reading.
(1) That the performance of Adult
Social Care in Reading for 2020-21 against similar Councils, the
South East and the national Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework
(ASCOF) indicators, be noted.
(2) That the associated Action Plan
to address two key areas of development be