A report providing an update on activity regarding the ‘Growing Up in Reading’ report developed by Brighter Futures for Children, partners and the Council.
Vicky Rhodes, Director of Early Help and Prevention, BFfC, presented the report and highlighted the main activities following the participation of over 700 young people in research carried out by a Youth Social Actions Team, supported by Reading Voluntary Action (RVA) and the University of Reading Participation Lab.
The key priorities identified were as follows:
The next steps would include a bid for national Transformation Funding for Family Hubs. There were no timescales confirmed, however, work continued to be undertaken with local partners in preparation for the bid. The next round of Youth Investment Fund would offer the opportunity for youth support in Church, Norcot, Southcote and Whitley wards.
A range of opportunities for local people to have a voice in Reading included a No. 5 Young Ambassadors ‘Restart Youth’ report on mental health services. Also, the development of a broader young people’s forum to bring together a range of existing groups to support engagement, particularly through the One Reading Children and Young People’s Partnership Board.
It was reported that early discussions were taking place with young people and the voluntary and community sector on setting up a youth hub in Reading.
It was noted that mapping had highlighted gaps regarding activities for young people in different cultural communities. However, youth work with the voluntary sector was being undertaken to resource activities and enable accessibility for all groups.
It was suggested that the term BAME did not reflect the diverse cultures and communities in Reading. Also, discussions were taking place with BFfC in supporting and meeting the needs of mixed heritage children in the community.
Resolved – That the responses progressed by Brighter Futures for Children in collaboration with Council and key partners to the ‘Growing Up in Reading’ report be noted.
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