Agenda item

Information Governance Quarterly Update

This report outlines the actions in progress to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for better Information Governance.


Nayana George, Customer Relations & Information Governance Manager, presented a report outlining the action underway to improve the Council’s policies, systems and processes for Information Governance following several limited assurance reports in this area. 

The report provided an update on: recruitment to key posts in the Information Governance Team and the interim arrangements in place to cover the backlog of Subject Access Requests; the Central Management of FOI requests through the Customer Relations Team, which was aiming to increase responses within the required timescale to 90%, as expected by the Information Commissioner’s Office; data transparency; the work of the Information Governance (IG) Board; and the adoption of the Information Management Strategy by Policy Committee on 7 March 2022 (Minute 83 refers).  In relation to the Strategy, a key action would be to identify Data Stewards within team/service areas to work with the Information Governance Team and deliver the Action Plan.  The Committee would receive quarterly progress reports on implementation of the Action Plan, which would be overseen by the IG Board. 

The report also outlined the progress made on training being undertaken on Cyber Security and Information Governance, which had continued to improve since the last meeting in January 2022. 

Resolved:     That the progress being made to improve the Council’s Information Governance be noted and the future action outlined in the report be endorsed.

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