This report updates on progress with the completion of the audit of the Council’s Final Accounts for 2019/20 as at 31st March 2022.
Mark Sanders, Chief Accountant,submitted a report on progress towards the completion of the audit of the Council’s Final Accounts for 2019/20. The report detailed the audit work that had been undertaken, includingincome & expenditure sampling; walk through tests; adjusting items; technical assessments of asset valuations, PFI contracts and pension liabilities. A draft Statement of Accounts for 2020/21 was in the final stages of being prepared. Any adjustments and improvements in reporting identified during the audit of the 2019/20 accounts would need to be included in the 2020/21 accounts. It was intended that the draft 2020/21 accounts would be published shortly, with the External Audit team returning late Summer/Autumn to begin their fieldwork. The Council would focus on controls and working paper improvements with a clear aim to reduce the time taken to conclude audit processes, including taking account of emerging national accounting/auditing issues as they arose.
Resolved: That the progress made on the audit of the 2019/20 accounts be noted.
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