Three reports providing the Sub-Committee with an update on progress with delivering the Park Lane Junior School, Thameside Primary School and Wilson Primary School Streets as part of the Council’s Active Trave programme and to seek approval to make the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order permanent.
The Executive Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted three reports seeking approval from the Sub-Committee to make Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders permanent in respect of School Streets for Park Lane Junior School, Thameside Primary School and Wilson Primary School.
The reports explained that in Spring 2020 the Council had launched a School Street application process that had included guidance and had subsequently engaged with several schools which had expressed an interest in the potential implementation of a School Street outside their school. Delegated authority had been granted at the 15 March 2021 meeting of the Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport Committee (Minute 18 refers) for the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services to be authorised to make the experimental Traffic Regulation Order permanent on the basis that no objections were received. However, during the time of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the School Streets on objection had been received for each of the schemes and was detailed in each of the reports.
In response to a question about camera enforcement of School Streets, Councillor Page told the Sub-Committee that camera enforcement related to many traffic offences and reported that the Council had been successful in its application to be one of twelve local authorities to be designated in the first tranche of allocations for equipment for this purpose, but that it would be used first at priority sites.
Resolved –
(1) That the progress of the School Street scheme for Park Lane Junior School, Thameside Primary School and Wilson Primary School, as outlined in the report be noted;
(2) That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order permanent for Park Lane Junior School, Thameside Primary School and Wilson Primary School.
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