Agenda item

Active Travel Tranche 2 - Consultation on Shinfield Road Traffic Restrictions

A report seeking approval to implement new traffic restrictions in the form of double yellow lines along the entire length of Shinfield Road from Christchurch Green to Shinfield Rise as part of the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 Shinfield Road Scheme and informing the Sub-Committee of objections received during statutory consultation for the implementation of the traffic restrictions.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report that sought approval from the Sub-Committee to implement new traffic restrictions in the form of double-yellow lines along the entire length of Shinfield Road Christchurch Green to Shinfield Rise as part of the Active Travel Tranche 2 Shinfield Road Scheme.  The report also provided information about the objections that had been received during the statutory consultation for the implementation of the traffic restrictions.  A copy of the Shinfield Road Traffic Restrictions – Statutory Consultation Responses, was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that as part of the overall scheme, and in order to facilitate the delivery of the enhanced cycle and pedestrian facilities, the Council was required to impose traffic restrictions, in the form of double-yellow lines, along the entire route between Christchurch Green and Shinfield Rise.  A Statutory consultation had been carried out and had commenced on 12 May 2022 and had finished on 2 June 2022.  A total of 22 responses had been received, of which 78% had been in support of the proposed traffic restrictions.  With regard to the objections, there had been two common themes:

·         Individuals had not been aware of the detail of the Active Travel Tranche 2 scheme and therefore their objections had identified that the current parking on Shinfield Road was not causing an unsafe obstruction or increasing congestion;

·         Individuals had also been concerned that the traffic restrictions might cause parking to be displaced to the local residential streets.

The Council would continue to review the impact of these traffic restrictions on nearby streets to ensure that such displacement was minimised as far as possible and would discuss options with the university to utilise campus parking for staff and students, to reduce on-street parking in the surrounding area.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to approve the proposed traffic restrictions on Shinfield Road in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(3)     The Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be granted authority to make the Traffic Regulation Order.

Supporting documents: