Agenda item

Objection to a Tree Preservation Order - Tilehurst Allotments


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on an objection to Tree Preservation Order No. 2/22 relating to Tilehurst Allotments, Armour Hill/Kentwood Hill.  A copy of the TPO plan was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The report explained that the site had been subject to a TPO (24/00) since 2000 which protected 12 individual trees, two Groups of trees and five Areas of tree.  A copy of this TPO plan was attached to the report at Appendix 2.  Officers had been made aware of the sale of the land (currently owned by Tilehurst People's Local Charity) by local residents and considerable local concern had been raised about potential tree removal – all trees not protected by TPO 24/00 could have legally been removed.  As TPO 24/00 was 22 years old and tree coverage was likely to have changed in that period, it was considered appropriate to serve an Area TPO to protect all trees until a more specific and up to date replacement TPO could be made.  Area TPO 2/22 had therefore been served on 9 March 2022.


The report summarised objections to the TPO received from the Tilehurst People's Local Charity (TPLC) and Aspect Arboricultural Ltd on behalf of TPLC, and set out comments from officers in response to the objections.  The report concluded that an Area TPO was warranted due to the age of TPO 24/00, the intention to sell the land and the intended development proposals.  A more specific TPO could be made at a later stage to replace the Area TPO, but it was recommended that the Area TPO be confirmed in order to protect all trees in the meantime and until development proposals were determined and implemented.


Resolved –


          That the Tree Preservation Order 2/22 relating to Tilehurst Allotments, Armour Hill/Kentwood Hill be confirmed.

Supporting documents: