This report provides an update on the Minster Quarter development project and seeks approval to commence marketing the Project as a development opportunity and identify a preferred developer.
Further to Minute 5 of the meeting held on 14 June 2021, the Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on the Minster Quarter development project and seeking approval to commence marketing the Project as a development opportunity. A plan showing the site development boundary was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report set out the overarching Project Vision, Strategic Objectives and Key Development Principles to which prospective development partners would need to respond. The development partner was expected to bring experience and expertise in mixed-use developments and to maximise regeneration potential including opportunities with other public sector partners and adjoining landowners. The report summarised the Council’s concept scheme which illustrated what might be possible on the site:
· Phase 1: Approx. 190 apartments and active ground floor uses. A 90 bed hotel block located on part of the Civic Car park; This phase benefitted from the award of Brownfield Land Release Fund of £2 million to deliver enabling works.
· Phase 2: Approx. 428 apartments together with active ground floor uses.
This would need to be tested by the development partner, and as a part of the procurement process bidding developers would be encouraged to consider the Council’s concept scheme in bringing forward their own proposals and phasing plan for the Project. Approval was sought for a series of delegations to allow officers to take the Project to market and to identify a preferred developer before bringing a report setting out the details of a contract award to a future meeting of the Committee.
The report also set out the proposed arrangements regarding Enabling Works and Vacant Possession and the relocation of Lavender Gardens, which included a proposal to lease further community land owned by Council at the Holy Brook, close to Berkeley Avenue and land at Appleford Road. It also summarised the proposed Procurement and Delivery Strategy and Project Governance.
Resolved –
(1) That the project vision, strategic objectives and key development principles and the priority afforded to those as set out in the report be agreed;
(2) That it be noted that updates and progress would be reported to the Civic Board;
(3) That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, the Assistant Directors of Legal and Democratic Services, Procurement and Contracts and Assets and Property Management, and the Leader and the Deputy Leader of the Council, be authorised to:
a) finalise procurement arrangements, documentation and negotiations with bidders up to contract award, at which stage a report would be submitted to Policy Committee;
b) Agree the terms of and complete acquisitions and disposals of property; at market value or less than market value as necessary to enable the development to proceed;
c) Agree terms for obtaining vacant possession of commercial and other non-residential properties affected by the project including the leasing of further RBC land at Holy Brook and Appleford Road to the occupiers of Lavender Gardens;
d) Make compulsory purchase orders as necessary for land required for the project;
e) Make stopping up orders as necessary to facilitate the development;
f) Appropriate existing Council land under the relevant statutory powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme, including appropriation of land for planning purposes and of any third-party land interests necessary for, or affected by, the Project.
Supporting documents: