This report provides an update to the Committee on the progress of the Customer Excellence Programme against the Customer Experience Strategy.
The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report giving an update on the progress of the Customer Excellence Programme as part of the Customer Experience Strategy.
The report noted that the Council’s Customer Experience Strategy (2020-2024) had been adopted in January 2020. The Strategy set out a vision to achieve the best possible experience for customers and ultimately would facilitate a culture and channel shift, by providing a 24/7 online service, designed around the customer, whilst still providing support to those who needed additional assistance. To achieve this the Programme was focused on building a strong offer for online self-service for the majority of simple transactions. For more complex queries, a multi-skilled central customer fulfilment team, equipped with the tools and information they needed, would look to sign post and resolve queries at first point of contact. Only specialist queries would be transferred out to wider teams in the Council. This model would result in fewer customer “hand offs” between teams and reduce demand into the contact centre, improve the customer journey and allow the realisation of financial benefits.
Resolved –
That the progress against the Customer Experience Strategy be noted and delivery of the future work programme be endorsed.
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