A report informing the Sub-Committee of objections and other feedback received during the statutory consultation.
Further to Minute 8 of the previous meeting, the Executive Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report informing the Sub-Committee of objections and other feedback that had been received during the statutory consultation about the temporary active travel scheme on Sidmouth Street that had sought public feedback on whether it should become permanent. A drawing illustrating the existing scheme on Sidmouth Street was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and feedback that had been received to the statutory consultation was attached to the report at Appendix 2.
The report summarised the responses that had been received as follows:
· Around 273 comments had referred to the perceived low use of the cycle lane by cyclists;
· Around 199 comments had referred to additional disruption that might be caused to traffic, congestion and pollution on Sidmouth Street and the impact on surrounding roads;
· Around 54 comments each referred to a) the perceived poor connection of the facility to the surrounding cycle network; and b) the preference for Watlington Street;
· Around 41 comments had been received regarding perceived safety concerns, for motorists and cyclists using the cycle lane;
· Around 27 comments had been received where people were looking forward to there being better connections to the network in the future;
· Around 20 comments stating that they would like the segregation and wanted more dedicated cycle lanes in Reading;
· Around 18 comments had raised concerns about emergency services trying to get down the road and being unable to drive down the cycle lane.
The report stated that the main themes of the responses had been as expected and there had been no themes nor individual response that would currently lead officers to recommend that the cycle scheme should not be implemented permanently and some of the constructive suggestion for improvements had echoed some of the high level thoughts that officers had been considering.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That having considered the consultation feedback set out in Appendix 2 attached to the report the scheme be implemented permanently;
(3) That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to seal the resultant Traffic Regulation Order and no public inquiry be held into the proposals;
(4) That respondents to the statutory consultation be informed of the decision of the Sub-Committee accordingly, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting.
Supporting documents: