Agenda item


To receive petitions in accordance with Standing Order 8.


Jennifer Leach and Skye presented a petition in the following terms:


“Declare a Climate Emergency in Reading

  • Humans have caused irreversible climate change to Planet Earth; the impact of this is already being felt around the world.
  • We were warned last month by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that we have twelve years left to limit this damage.  If we do not, our world will most likely face runaway Global Warming and full Climate Breakdown.
  • Our current plans and actions are not enough. We must act now, decisively and radically, to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Individuals cannot be expected to make this reduction on their own.  Society needs to change its laws, taxation and infrastructure, to make low-carbon living easier and the new norm.
  • City Councils around the world are responding by declaring a Climate Emergency and committing resources to address this emergency.
  • This petition urges Reading Borough Council to do the same.”


RESPONSE by Councillor Page (Lead Councillor for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport):


I thank Ms Leach for presenting the petition on this very important issue. Later this evening I will be moving a Climate Emergency resolution, which I hope will receive substantial support and I attach a copy of the text below (see the full text in the resolution of Minute 48 below).

Supporting documents: