Agenda item

Petition - Resident Permit Parking Eligibility for Kendrick Court

To report to the Sub-Committee the receipt of a petition requesting the Council that residents of Kendrick Court, Kendrick Road. Become eligible for Resident Parking Permits to enable on-street parking along Kendrick Road.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the receipt of a petition from residents, asking the Council that residents of Kendrick Court, Kendrick Road, became eligible for Resident Parking Permits to enable on-street parking along Kendrick Road (Parking Zone 10R).

The petition contained 38 indications of support and read as follows:

“Petition for the Right to Kerbside Parking Permits in Kendrick Road

We, the undersigned, request that Reading Borough Council allow residents of Kendrick Court, Kendrick Road, RG1 5DS, the right to Parking Permits to park

in kerb-side parking spaces on Kendrick Road.

The other blocks of flats in Kendrick Road all have plenty of garages and parking. Kendrick Court pre-dates these other blocks by decades, having been

developed when private car ownership was the exception. It has 42 bedrooms but was designed to accommodate just 11 small cars.

Currently only people who live in houses on Kendrick Road can apply for permits. This seems discriminatory and irrational as these households often have

driveways and don't need additional parking, whereas residents of Kendrick Court have so few spaces. There is currently plenty of kerbside parking space available in Kendrick Road.”

At the invitation of the Chair the petition organiser, Edward Hammond, addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the petitioners.

The Sub-Committee discussed the petition and Councillor Page proposed that any decision in response to the petition be deferred to the next meeting to allow time for further consideration of a number of points that Mr Hammond had made in an email that he had sent to the Sub-Committee following publication of the report.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That a decision be deferred to the next meeting to allow for consideration of the points that had been raised by the petitioner in his email to the Sub-Committee;

(3)     That the lead petitioner be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;

(4)     That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.

Supporting documents: