Agenda item

Petition - Kidmore Road Trees and Traffic

To report to the Sub-Committee the receipt of a petition requesting that the Council inform and consult the 54 households represented by the petition on any discussions that may result in action taking place on Kidmore Road and requesting a mechanism to put forward proposals.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the receipt of a petition from residents, asking the Council that the 54 households represented were informed of, and consulted, on any discussions that might result in action taking place on Kidmore Road and requesting a mechanism to put forward proposals.

The petition indicated that it represented the views of 54 households and read as follows:

“We are writing as a group of Kidmore Road residents, residing at the southernmost end of the road, from the Oakley Road crossroads to the junction with The Mount.

We represent the residents of 54 households.

We are aware of discussions and activities involving RBC, regarding both the trees on our section of Kidmore Road, and various traffic issues including volume of traffic, speeding, and unreported accidents.

We are also aware of course of Matt Rodda’s consultation regarding traffic on Kidmore Road.

We as residents would like to ensure that we are informed of, and consulted on, any discussions regarding Kidmore Road, particularly any discussions which might result in some action taking place which affects our neighbourhood.

We would also like some mechanism to put forward proposals of our own, and would welcome a discussion with yourself, Matt, and/or RBC as to how best to go about this.

As a group of residents we are united in the below concerns:

·           We are strongly in favour of retaining the trees.

·           We are concerned about the volume of traffic (rat running).

·           We are concerned about the manner of driving (speeding and unreported accidents).

·           We are concerned about the state of the single pavement.”

A letter from Matt Rodda MP had also been sent to the Sub-Committee about a “Speeding in your Area” consultation he had been carrying out with the residents in Caversham Heights having been contacted about dangerous driving in the area and had shown that Kidmore Road caused most concern amongst local residents.

At the invitation of the Chair the petition organiser, Dan Winchester, addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the petitioners.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That officers and Ward Councillors agree on an appropriate mechanism to receive and consider proposals from the households indicated in the petition;

(3)     That the lead petitioner be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;

(4)     That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.

Supporting documents: