This report seeks approval to procure, award and enter into several new mechanical and electrical contracts for planned preventative maintenance and reactive repairs for Water Treatment (legionella), Lift Servicing and Maintenance and Maintenance of the Trend Building Monitoring System.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking approval to procure, award and enter into several new mechanical and electrical (M&E) contracts for planned preventative maintenance and reactive repairs for water treatment (legionella), lift servicing and maintenance, and maintenance of the Trend Building Monitoring System.
The report noted that these contracts were critical for the Council and necessary to maintain statutory compliance and to ensure that services such as heating, lifts, water systems and automated equipment were kept safe, functional and running at maximum efficiency. Services supplied by these various contracts were of a specialist nature for which the Council did not directly employ appropriately trained staff and it was custom and practise for organisations the size of local authorities to purchase them via specialist contractors or through a multi-disciplined Facilities Management contractor. It was therefore proposed to go to market and procure a contract offering best value for each work area via the Westworks Dynamic Purchasing System. Each contract would be for a term of five years.
Resolved –
That the Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Planning and Assets, the Director of Finance and Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services, be authorised to procure, award and enter into the M&E Contracts for planned preventative maintenance and reactive repairs, through the Westworks Dynamic Purchasing System and be given approval to delegate any subsequent contract extension or variation in line with the contract terms for:
(i) Water Treatment (legionella) for the period 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2027;
(ii) Lift Servicing and Maintenance for the period 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2027; and
(iii) Maintenance of the Trend Building Monitoring System for the period 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2027.
Supporting documents: