Proposal |
A gypsy and traveller transit site intended for short-term use while in transit. It will comprise 7 pitches, bin store, outdoor seating area, play area, and a new access onto Island Road. Each pitch comprises a kitchen/toilet block and space for two caravans and two cars. |
Recommendation |
Application Permitted |
A gypsy and traveller transit site intended for short-term use while in transit. It will comprise 7 pitches, bin store, outdoor seating area, play area, and a new access onto Island Road. Each pitch comprises a kitchen/toilet block and space for two caravans and two cars.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 were the consultation responses received from statutory consultees and at Appendix 2 a summary of the public consultation responses with comments from officers. An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out additional information on flood risk and on the assessment of potential gypsy and traveller transit sites that had resulted in this site being identified.
Comments and objections were received and considered.
Objector Adam Boulding, Rob Shrimplin the applicant’s agent, and Daryn Inston also representing the applicant, attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this application.
Resolved –
(1) That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, the carrying out of the development 212037/REG3 with temporary planning permission for 10 years be authorised, subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the original report, with an additional condition regarding one toilet unit being an accessible toilet and an additional informative that the future use of the site after expiry of the temporary planning permission be reported to the Committee at the appropriate time;
(2) That the detailed landscaping scheme, the ecological mitigation scheme, the site management plan and the details of boundary treatment including noise suppression characteristics (recommended conditions 12, 13, 15 and 18) be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee for approval prior to commencement of the development, and that the site decommissioning plan (recommended Condition 2) be submitted to a meeting of the Committee for approval at the appropriate time;
(3) That prior to occupation of the site Environmental Protection be requested to submit an updated air quality assessment to the relevant Committee.
Supporting documents: