To provide the Committee with an update on the Community Vaccine Champions (CVC) programme.
Reading Borough Council had received £485,000 from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to run the CVC programme to improve the uptake of the COVID 19 and flu vaccination particularly focussing on myths and difficulties around the understanding of vaccinations.
Phase 1 of the CVC programme had ended on 31 July 2022. Key achievements had included:
· Effective use of data analysis to support a structured approach in working with local partners and communities to deliver engagement and community vaccination activities.
Phase 2 of the CVC programme had focussed on improving the vaccine uptake. Work undertaken to date had included:
· Formal approval from the DLUHC to extend the programme end date.
The Committee recognised the work that had taken place and thanked volunteers who had been involved. It was noted that terminology in the report was used nationally however, this would be reconsidered to ensure equality. Wards targeted were dependent on data collected as this showed areas where people were hesitant in receiving vaccines, and work was being undertaken in relation to the data. The 50 plus age group were mainly targeted and if children were eligible then parents would be targeted rather than children directly.
Resolved –
(1) That the good progress and outcomes achieved to date on the Community Vaccine Champions Programme be recognised and acknowledged;
(2) That the Phase 2 delivery of the CVC programme be supported;
(3) That the deployment of infrastructure, capacity and capabilities established to date for the planning and delivery of other public health and Vaccination programmes (e.g., Seasonal Influenza and Autumn COVID 19 Booster Programmes), be endorsed.
Supporting documents: