A report asking the Committee to approve a procurement process for Residential Dementia Block Contract.
The Executive Director of Social Care and Health submitted a report that explored and made recommendations regarding a procurement process for a Residential Dementia Block Contract.
Resolved -
(1) That the recommendation to procure Residential Dementia block beds for the recommended period and predicted maximum annual costs to the Council as outlined in the report be accepted.
(2) That the Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health Services in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care be granted authority to:
· Procure and enter into a contract with the successful tenderer(s) for the support/care services to be provided.
· Negotiate with the successful tenderer(s) to mobilise the contract, vary the contract, extend the contract at the appropriate time and otherwise contract manage the contract throughout its lifecycle within the lifetime financial envelope as stated in the report.