This report provides an update on work to realise the Connected Reading Digital Transformation Strategy and seeks endorsement of the next steps planned.
The Executive Director of Resources submitted a report providing an update on work to realise the Connected Reading Digital Transformation Strategy that had been agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 12 July 2021 (Minute 21 refers). The report set out the progress made since the update report submitted to the meeting on 17 January 2022 (Minute 70 refers) and sought endorsement of the next steps planned. An Appendix to the report set out commercially sensitive financial detail that was defined as exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The report explained that, as had been anticipated in the original Connected Reading strategy, further development of digital delivery capability would be required to support current and planned delivery and it was clear that a level of external support would be needed. It was therefore proposed that a contract with a digital delivery partner was put in place for a two-year period, with two optional one-year extensions. Over that period, it was to be expected that there would be changes in requirements and priorities, and it was therefore proposed that the contract should be let as a framework, under which individual projects would be contracted as call-off orders. Each project would be subject to a business case and scrutinised to ensure value for money and affordability within the budget allocated.
(1) That the progress made to date be noted;
(2) That continuation of the current workstreams be endorsed;
(3) That the Executive Director of Resources, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Corporate Services and Resources and the Chief Digital & Information Officer, be authorised to award a framework contract for a Digital Transformation Partner, with the maximum contract value set out in the Appendix to the report, noting that each work package called off would be subject to individual approval to confirm affordability and value for money;
(4) That a further update on progress on implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy be submitted to the Committee in Q1 2023/24.
(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3).
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