Agenda item

Adult Care and Health Services - Direction of Travel "Supporting Our Future"

A report providing the Committee with an overview of the context and rationale for the development of Support Our Future for Adults.


The Director of Adult Social Care and Health Services submitted a report that set out the strategic direction of travel supporting Adults, including children’s transitions, entitled “Supporting Our Future”.  The report provided the Committee with an overview of the context and rationale for the development of Supporting Our Future for Adults and sought approval for the approach set out under the prevention agenda.  A copy of the Supporting Our Future Consultation Plan was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and a copy of the Supporting Our Future Draft Strategy was attached to the report at Appendix 2.

The report explained that the draft strategy “Supporting Our Future” underpinned the Council’s vision approach and the priorities in the delivery with partners in early intervention and prevention across the Borough.  It reflected changes from the Care Act 2014 and the current context of increasing demand and reducing finances and emphasised to all involved the importance in supporting people to remain at home and independent.  The Strategy set out the joint opportunities to work across the Health and Social Care system economy, in better supporting people to receive seamless service at home.

The consultation plan was attached to the report at Appendix 1.  The consultation opened in January 2019 and would close on 31 March 2019.  The results of the consultation would be reported to Policy Committee on 8 April 2019.

Contained within the draft Strategy was the workforce best practice five P’s framework.  The framework five P’s were: Best People, Best Place, Best Pound, Best Partner and Best Performance.  This framework enabled the workforce to remain focused on prevention and independence at every stage in a person’s journey.

Resolved –

(1)      That the national and local context in which the Council was undertaking its statutory duties in the provision of adult social care, and in meeting the needs of children who transition to adult services be noted;

(2)      That the Supporting Our Future Consultation Plan (Appendix 1), which would influence the finalised strategy to be published April 2019 be noted;

(3)      That the workforce best practice Five P’s – which enabled our workforce to remain focused on prevention and independence at every stage in person’s journey, as set out in the draft Strategy, be noted.


Supporting documents: