This report seeks approval to undertake community involvement on a Draft Residential Conversions Supplementary Planning Document which gives detailed guidance on proposals for conversion of dwellinghouses to flats or to Houses in Multiple Occupation.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking approval to undertake community involvement on a Draft Residential Conversions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), to provide detailed guidance on proposals for conversion of dwellinghouses to flats or to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). The results of the public consultation would inform the development of a final version of the SPD for adoption. The following documents were attached to the report:
· Appendix 1 – Equality Impact Assessment
· Appendix 2 - Draft Residential Conversions Supplementary Planning Document
The report noted that an existing Residential Conversions SPD dating from 2013 remained in effect, but that its age and the fact that it pre-dated the Local Plan could affect its weight in decision-making, and there were some issues that had arisen from its implementation that required addressing in a revised version. A new draft Residential Conversions SPD for consultation was attached to the report at Appendix 2.
The report explained that the revised version of the SPD was based on the existing SPD but with some important changes and updates. The main changes from the existing version included: clarification that, within the Article 4 area, the 25% threshold applied to the total number of residential buildings as opposed to residential dwellings; a new, criteria-based approach to proposals for conversion to both flats and HMOs outside the Article 4 area, including a threshold that the proportion of residential buildings within 50m of the application site that had been converted either to flats or an HMO would not be expected to exceed 50%; reference to avoiding a situation where a residential dwelling was sandwiched between two HMOs; general updates to policy references and alignment with the Local Plan.
The draft SPD would be subject to a consultation which was intended to take place between 19 December 2022 and 13 February 2023. Responses received would be considered in preparing a final draft SPD for adoption.
Resolved –
(1) That the Draft Residential Conversions SPD, as attached to the report at Appendix 2, be approved for consultation;
(2) That the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Planning and Assets, be authorised to make any minor amendments necessary to the SPD that did not alter the policy direction prior to consultation.
Supporting documents: