This report seeks spend approval for the Reading Station Subway Refurbishment scheme to provide improved north/south access across the station.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking spend approval for £205,761.05 for a Reading Station Subway Refurbishment capital scheme to improve north/south access across the station. It was anticipated that the scheme would be funded from the secured Section 106 contribution, however some additional funding might be required from the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Bridges & Carriageway Capital award for 2022/23. Appendix 1 to the report set out a summary of the relevant S106 contributions.
The report noted that it had been a long-standing desire of the Council and cycling groups to enable safe cycling along the subway, as this prohibition and the surrounding rail infrastructure and strategic road network were significant cycling barriers between the north and south sides of the station and beyond. The Council had commissioned a feasibility report on allowing cycling as part of a scheme to remove the lowest ceiling panels using S106 funding. The proposed scheme would remove the vulnerable low level ceiling panels, secure and protect the Network Rail Services, increase the headroom clearance and include minor repairs to floor and wall tiles, along with improved signage. There was also a separate proposal to replace the lighting to reduce energy consumption and enable remote monitoring and control the lighting units.
The report explained that the proposed scheme would provide improved head room clearance, which although below national guidelines, would enable the Council to accept the position and allow cycling through the subway if the Cycling Prohibition Order was revoked. The Traffic Management Sub-Committee at its meeting on 14 September 2022 (Minute 20 refers) had agreed a consultation on revoking the cycling prohibition to create a shared use (pedestrian/cyclist) facility. The outcome of the consultation would be reflected in the final design of the scheme. The scheme was not dependent on the outcome of the consultation to revoke the cycling prohibition, as the works to remove the low sections of ceiling panels were still required to ensure that a viable long-term solution was delivered. The scheme design was currently being finalised and works were provisionally scheduled to commence in early 2023.
Resolved –
(1) That spending approval be given for the Reading Station Subway Refurbishment scheme;
(2) That the Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Environmental Services & Community Safety and Director of Finance, be authorised to finalise details of the scheme and programme within the overall approval given;
(3) That the Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy & Transport, the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services and the Director of Finance be authorised to enter into relevant contracts required to undertake the approved scheme and works programme.
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