This report seeks approval from the Committee, acting as Shareholder of Homes for Reading Ltd, to appoint an external auditor to prepare the accounts for the 2018/19 financial year.
The Director of Resources submitted a report seeking consent from the Policy Committee, in its capacity as sole shareholder for Homes for Reading Limited (HfR), for the appointment of Wilkins Kennedy as external auditors for HfR. The report explained that HfR had to present its accounts to Companies House, in accordance with the Companies Act, and that the Shareholder Agreement between the Council and HfR required the Company to submit its annual accounts to the Shareholder to facilitate their incorporation into its main accounts within a reasonable period after the end of the financial year.
Resolved –
That Shareholder Consent be given to Homes for Reading Limited to appoint Wilkins Kennedy as its external auditor for the preparation of its 2018/19 financial accounts.
(Councillors Ennis and Lovelock declared pecuniary interests in this item, left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision. Nature of interest: the Councillors were Directors of Homes for Reading Limited. Councillor Page took the Chair for this item).
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