A report inviting the Committee to determine:
· The admissions arrangements for Community Primary Schools in Reading for the school year 2024/25.
· The coordinated scheme for primary and junior schools for the 2024/25 school year.
· The coordinated scheme for secondary schools for the 2024/25 school year.
· The Relevant Area 2024.
· Maps of the Primary catchment areas.
The Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services, Education, Early Help and Social Care, Brighter Futures for Children, submitted a report that invited the Committee to agree the determination of school admission arrangements for September 2024 as follows:
· The admissions arrangements for Community Primary Schools in Reading for the 2024/25 school year.
· The coordinated scheme for primary and junior schools for the 2024/25 school year.
· The coordinated scheme for secondary schools for the 2024/25 school year.
· The Relevant Area 2024.
· Maps of the Primary catchment areas.
Copies of the schemes, policies, relevant area and maps were appended to the report at Annexes A, B, C, D and E.
It was noted that the schemes had been amended to reflect the appropriate dates for the 2024/25 school year but that no significant changes had been made, other than to clarify the existing policy relating to disputes between parents. The report also noted that the arrangements for 2024/25 complied with the School Admissions Code 2021.
The Committee discussed the report. During discussions it was noted that an incorrect version of one of the maps (attached at Annex C) had been published with the agenda papers and the Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services, Education, Early Help and Social Care advised the Committee that a corrected version of the maps would be circulated for assurance. Also, typos and sections of the text would be amended within Annex B prior to the schemes being published.
Resolved –
(1) That, subject to the Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services, Education, Early Help and Social Care making corrections to Annexes B and C, the scheme attached at Annexes A, B and C as the admissions arrangements for 2024/25 for community schools in Reading and the local arrangements for complying with the national coordinated primary school admission procedures for the allocation of primary school places for residents of Reading Borough be agreed.
(2) That the scheme attached at Annex D as the local arrangements for complying with the national coordinated secondary admissions procedure for the allocation of secondary school places for 2024/25 for residents of Reading Borough be agreed;
(3) That the relevant area attached to the report in Annex E which set out the organisations that must be consulted for any admissions arrangements for schools in Reading be agreed.
Supporting documents: