A report informing the Committee of the outcome of the public consultation on Reading’s All Age Autism Strategy 2022 – 2026 and to implement the strategy and action plan across Reading.
The Interim Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health submitted a report that introduced Reading’s All Age Autism Strategy 2022–2026 and Action Plan for Year 1 2022/23. The following documents were appended to the report:
Appendix 1 – Reading’s All Age Autism Strategy 2022–2026;
Appendix 2 – Reading’s All-Age Autism Action Plan Year 1 2022/23;
Appendix 3 – Equality Impact Assessment.
The report explained that public and partner engagement had been a core element in developing the Strategy and had involved autistic people, their families and carers, third sector and voluntary organisations and professionals from across Reading. Engagement and coproduction had taken place via interviews, workshops, surveys, forums, existing local groups, targeted outreach to groups and feedback sessions. The insight gathered had been used to inform and shape the strategy, and to test emerging findings, recommendations, priorities, and vision development. Overall, the Council had received views and contributions from 257 people. Contributions from 227 people had been received during the initial development of the Strategy with a further 30 people providing feedback following the public consultation. The findings following the public consultation had been outlined in section 7 of the report.
As a result of the engagement and feedback, 7 priorities had been developed which were used as the basis for the strategy. These were:
1. Improving awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism;
2. Improving support and access to early years, education and supporting positive transitions and preparing for adulthood;
3. Increasing employment, vocation and training opportunities autistic people;
4. Better lives for autistic people – tackling health and care inequalities and building the right support in the community and supporting people in inpatient care;
5. Housing and supporting independent living;
6. Keeping safe and the criminal justice system;
7. Supporting families and carers of autistic people.
The report explained that the Strategy and Action Plan would be delivered through the Autism Partnership Board (APB), which would report to the Health & Wellbeing Board to ensure that the Strategy remained a priority and was owned by all partner agencies. Each of the seven priority areas would have a responsible partner agency to lead on that particular element of the Action Plan to make sure that actions were achievable and made a difference to Reading’s autistic residents. The Autism Partnership Board would be expected to submit an annual report to the Health and Wellbeing Board each Summer on the progress made towards implementation of the Strategy and its Action Plan, including successes and any issues encountered during the year.
At the meeting it was noted that a reference group consisting of autistic residents, voluntary sector organisations and relevent partner agencies would be developed to feed into and inform the Autism Partnership Board to advise the Board on relevant aspects of service delivery and to ensure continued engagement with Reading’s autistic community.
At the meeting the Chair suggested that an annual update report should also be submitted to the Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Education Committee to allow the Committee to maintain oversight of the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan.
Resolved –
(1) That the findings of the public consultation on Reading’s All Age Autism Strategy 2022-2026 be noted;
(2) That Reading’s All Age Autism Strategy 2022-2026 and Action Plan Year 1 2022/23 be agreed;
(3) That delivery and oversight of the Strategy and Action Plan be delegated to the Autism Partnership Board;
(4) That the Autism Partnership Board submit an Annual Report to the Health & Wellbeing Board each Summer updating on the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan;
(5) That an annual report be submitted to the Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Education Committee updating on the implementation of the Strategy and on the progress made towards achieving the objectives and actions detailed in the Action Plan.
Supporting documents: