A report providing information on the Berkshire West Safeguarding Partnership Board Annual report.
The Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health submitted a report introducing the West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report for 2021/22. A copy of the Annual Report was attached at Appendix 1. The Annual Report included:
· An introduction to the work of the West of Berkshire SAB - including its structure, vision, purpose and membership;
· Details of the number of adult safeguarding concerns recorded within the West of Berkshire area in 2021-22;
· A summary of the safeguarding trends identified across the area in 2021/22;
· A summary of the risks identified and mitigated against during 2021/22;
· Details of the achievements made against the key priorities set for 2021/22;
· Case summaries for the six Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) conducted by the Board during 2021/22; and
· Details of the key priorities set by the SAB for 2022/23, including the 2022/23 Business Plan.
The report noted that the Council was one of the local authorities that had contributed to the Annual Report, along with West Berkshire and Wokingham. A link to Reading’s contribution, which had been reviewed by the Committee at the meeting on 19 October 2022 (Minute 13 refers), was provided within the report.
The report went on to highlight the priorities set by the West of Berkshire SAB for 2022/23. The four priorities were:
· Priority 1: To expand on learning regarding self-neglect: to offer the partnership resources to support them to achieve effective outcomes for individuals that self-neglect;
· Priority 2: To seek assurance that the quality of health and social care services delivered in the West of Berkshire or those commissioned out of area for West of Berkshire residents is monitored effectively and there is a proportionate response to concerns;
· Priority 3: The SAB to review it’s Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) process, in order to ensure that it is timely and good value for money;
· Priority 4: The SAB will continue to carry out business as usual tasks in order to comply with statutory duties.
The report detailed how Reading Borough Council would respond to and support the delivery of the SAB’s priorities and listed the priorities that the Council would use internally to achieve this. Delivery of the Council’s own priorities would be monitored via a Delivery Plan overseen by the Safeguarding Development Group.
The Chair concluded the meeting by expressing gratitude and thanks, on behalf of the Committee and Council, for the hard work of the Assistant Director for Safeguarding, Quality, Performance & Practice who would shortly be leaving the organisation.
Resolved –
(1) That the Berkshire West Safeguarding Board Annual Report for 2021/22 be noted;
(2) That Reading Borough Council’s contribution to the Berkshire West Safeguarding Board Annual Report 2021/22, as reviewed by the Committee on 19 October 2022, be noted.
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