A report providing the Committee with an update on key progress and milestones associated with the current programme of major transport and highways projects in Reading.
The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Committee with an update on key progress and milestones associated with the current programme of major transport and highways projects in Reading namely:
The report also gave an update on the following unfunded schemes:
With regard to the Cow Lane Bridges the report explained that the route had been opened to two-way traffic without signals for the first time on 25 February 2019, with the full scheme, including pedestrian and cycle routes, to be completed in summer 2019. It was clarified that the meeting that the scheme was not yet complete with work on lighting, the footpath and resurfacing of the road still to be carried out and that there would be a further closure of the route over the weekend of 13 and 14 April 2019 for this work to be done. Road signage also needed to be changed and talks were ongoing with Network Rail over the removal of the height restriction signs.
The report also explained that a revised planning application to address concerns that had been raised by Wokingham Borough Council’s Planning Committee in relation to the East Reading Mass Rapid Transit had been prepared, including further public consultation that had been carried out during September 2019 on possible amendments to enhance the appearance of the scheme. Fundamental structural changes had not been possible as the scheme had needed to retain the core public transport, walking and cycling elements as set out in Reading and Wokingham’s Planning and Transport Plans and the scheme business case, therefore hanging landscaping had been selected as the preferred option, which was consistent with the revised proposal for the Thames Valley Park, Park and Ride scheme. Wokingham Borough Council’s Planning Committee had refused permission for the revised scheme in December 2018. The second planning application refusal by Wokingham meant that the scheme could not be delivered in the timescales required by the funding grant conditions, therefore the Berkshire Local Transport Body had reallocated the funding to other schemes across Berkshire, including Reading West Station Upgrade, Theale Station Park and Rail Upgrade and Coppid Beech Park and Ride site. The Council did not intend to pursue the scheme further at the current time and would be carrying out a consultation on development of a new Local Transport Plan to invite suggestions to tackle the current and forecast congestion and air quality issues within the Borough.
With regard to National Cycle Route 422, improvements to a privately owned wall, between New Lane Hill and Greenwood Road, and adjacent footway widening works, were subject to further feasibility work and budget availability after the completion of the final phase. Cris Butler, Acting Head of Transportation and Streetcare, reported that the wall was failing and talks with the landowner were ongoing and that officers were committed to resolving the issue.
Resolved –
(1) That the progress on delivery of the programme of major transport schemes as set out within the report be noted;
(2) That the opening of Cow Lane to two-way traffic without signals for the first time on Monday 25 February 2019 be noted;
(3) That the reallocation of funding for the East Reading MRT scheme to other schemes across Berkshire, including the Reading West Station Upgrade, Theale Station Park & Rail Upgrade and Coppid Beech Park and Ride schemes be noted.
Supporting documents: