Committee details

Adult Social Care, Children's Services and Education Committee

Purpose of committee

The Adult Social Care, Children's Services and Education Committee is responsible for or overseeing functions including:


§  Personal services of the authority - Adult Care, Children’s Social Care, Education & Commissioning, School Improvement

§  Oversight of the RBC Client function for Brighter Futures for Children

§  Education policy including school admissions, place planning, SEND and home to school transport

§  Adult Education & Skills

§  Health Scrutiny

§  Safeguarding responsibilities for children and adults

§  Partnerships: To be responsible for any joint arrangements and partnerships relevant to the functions of the committee

§  Developing and adopting policy in relation to the Council’s Corporate Parenting responsibilities


The full terms of reference can be found in Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution:

Constitution of the council - Reading Borough Council




Contact information

Support officer: Jemma Durkan - Committee Services. 0118 9372432